
Set up by British designer Jacinta Walton, Whinberry & Antler design and produce unique fabrics and homewares by hand in rural England. Incorporating a passion for traditional skills by using hand printing methods, and taking inspiration from British wildlife and countryside, Whinberry & Antler hope to bring a beautiful token of the countryside into your home.

Please have a look around the blog and follow us to see how Whinberry & Antler products are made, with step by step photographs demonstrating the traditional skills used on the 'Behind the Scenes' page, as well as other information and updates about the company.

For more information please see the company website www.WhinberryAntler.com or email info@WhinberryAntler.com

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

New Whinberry & Antler Stockist

A selection of Whinberry & Antler cushions and lavender bags are now available at Cotton Duck Interiors (www.cotton-duck.co.uk), based in Holsworthy, Devon. One Badger cushion was very quickly snapped up, which was excellent news!

I have also just sent my image and text off to Vogue, to be featured in the article 'A Royal Abode', which will hit the shelves in June. Very exciting.

This is the cushion to feature in Vogue Magazine in June. I made this cushion to order for a lovely lady I met at the Country Living Fair who wanted two to give to her friend as a birthday present.

In the meantime I am back to building up new stock and designs. Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow ! Excellent! Congratulations and hope you had a good Easter.XOXO
    My Aunt Agatha
