
Set up by British designer Jacinta Walton, Whinberry & Antler design and produce unique fabrics and homewares by hand in rural England. Incorporating a passion for traditional skills by using hand printing methods, and taking inspiration from British wildlife and countryside, Whinberry & Antler hope to bring a beautiful token of the countryside into your home.

Please have a look around the blog and follow us to see how Whinberry & Antler products are made, with step by step photographs demonstrating the traditional skills used on the 'Behind the Scenes' page, as well as other information and updates about the company.

For more information please see the company website www.WhinberryAntler.com or email info@WhinberryAntler.com

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Just a quick one...

Just a brief post to say the first apron has been sold! And no surprises it's a badger! For any small businesses reading this who may be considering joining Not on the Highstreet, I would highly recommend it.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Aprons now available online

The Whinberry & Antler adult aprons are now available to order online! Just waiting to get the opportunity to photograph the children's aprons to do the same. Please go to the website to have a look (big thanks to my brother Seb for modelling them for me!)

Hedgehog Adult Apron

I would also like to mention a new retailer for W&A products; Willow & Stone, Falmouth. They sell some really lovely things, I came across their company whilst looking for some door handles for myself and I am so pleased that they now stock my products. They have a great online shop, as well as having just moved to a bigger premises in Falmouth itself. I highly recommend taking a look at their website if you're looking for top quality, original and British homeware accessories: http://www.willowandstone.co.uk/ . As well as that, I am using the early part of this week to complete another order for Vintage, in Shrewsbury (https://www.facebook.com/vintage.shrewsbury). Only three weeks since their first order, so it's great to know that W&A is doing well in it's hometown!

And so attention really is turning to the Country Living Christmas fair. I have completed some new designs (think fox, field mouse, red squirrel and barn owl). So now I just need to order a new silk screen to start printing them in time for the fair! I'm also trying to develop the ceramics range in time, as well as hopefully set it up so that customers can purchase gift vouchers to use online... So if you know anyone who may like our products, but you can't decide on an exact one then maybe a gift voucher could be the ideal gift!

Whinberry & Antler now also uses instagram, so if you're interested in what goes on behind a business, and want to see how things are made, then just like our facebook page to stay updated! (I'm all about photographs and visual so it suits me perfectly!) 

Anyway, a big day of printing draught excluders lies ahead tomorrow, so it is probably time to leave the office and call it a day. Still working out the best ways to photograph them to put them online... but in the meantime, they are available at both Vintage and Willow & Stone.

My day of squeegees and inks which lies ahead...

All the best, hope to see you on facebook and back on here soon!

 Thanks for reading.