
Set up by British designer Jacinta Walton, Whinberry & Antler design and produce unique fabrics and homewares by hand in rural England. Incorporating a passion for traditional skills by using hand printing methods, and taking inspiration from British wildlife and countryside, Whinberry & Antler hope to bring a beautiful token of the countryside into your home.

Please have a look around the blog and follow us to see how Whinberry & Antler products are made, with step by step photographs demonstrating the traditional skills used on the 'Behind the Scenes' page, as well as other information and updates about the company.

For more information please see the company website www.WhinberryAntler.com or email info@WhinberryAntler.com

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

New Products on W&A website

Well, I have just spent the past couple of hours sorting out some more product photos and uploading them to the W&A website, as well as changing a few other things.

The enter page now features a photo of one of my favourite places to be. It shows a view of my local Shropshire hills, Earls hill, Pontesford Hill and the Stiperstones. I's only a short walk from my house and it was my favourite place to walk my Rough Collie Jade before she passed away last year. She loved bounding up and down the hills and rolling around on the grass! I thought it would be nice to show you one of the places that inspires me to create products that celebrate our countryside. I hope you think it looks nice too.

One of my favourite places. Always so lovely and quiet, all you can hear are the birds and the sheep

Monday, 23 January 2012

BBC Radio Shropshire

Today I received a phone call from BBC Radio Shropshire asking if they could come over and do a short interview with me about my business as part of the governments campaign to get people exploring the possibility of stating their own business in these times of mass unemployment- particularly amongst young people. It went really well and we discussed what it was like to start your own business- the highs and lows (although it is mainly highs!) and then recorded a short interview... tune in to BBC Radio Shropshire (96fm) tomorrow morning at 8 am or listen back to it on iplayer if you miss it or come from slightly further afield.

I shall get back to my drawing now...

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Apologies, it has been a while.

Firstly I must apologise, it has been some time since my last post.

The first festive season went well for Whinberry & Antler- sales were made online through the company website and through Etsy which was great- as well as the first international order to the USA! I really must thank many of my family and friends who showed their support for Whinberry & Antler by choosing some of my products to give as Christmas presents (which I hear were well received!). I'm thinking about starting a page to show some of the products in there new homes, but I shall have a little think about that.

At the start of December I went down to Bath for a couple of days to use a photography studio and make more labels (as I need a press to emboss them). We took lots of photos to use for the first W&A catalogue which I will put up once they are edited. We also had some fun and messed around a bit (after all, life is about having fun), as you can see below!

 Today I have opened a Whinberry & Antler shop with Folksy. For anyone who does not know it, it is much like Etsy in that it is a platform for designers and makers to sell their products to a wide customer audience through the internet. The difference is though that Folksy specialise in, as the tag line reads, 'Modern British Craft'. Please do have a look  and support the shop through Facebook and twitter http://www.folksy.com/shops/WhinberryAntler

Well good bye for now, I shall be writing again soon with more photos of new products, including the new Kingfisher design! See you soon.